Module gpio

GPIO driver module.


This module provides functions for interacting with micro-controller GPIO (General Purpose Input and Output) pins.

Note: -type pin() used in this driver refers to a pin number on Espressif chips, or a tuple {GPIO_GROUP, PIN} for stm32 chips.

Data Types


direction() = input | output | output_od


gpio() = pid()


high_level() = high | 1


level() = low_level() | high_level()


low_level() = low | 0


pin() = non_neg_integer() | {atom(), non_neg_integer()}


pull() = up | down | up_down | floating


trigger() = none | rising | falling | both | low | high

Function Index

attach_interrupt/2 Convenience function for gpio:set_int/3
close/1 Stop the GPIO interrupt port.
deep_sleep_hold_dis/0 Disable all gpio pad functions during Deep-sleep.
deep_sleep_hold_en/0 Enable all hold functions to continue in deep sleep.
deinit/1 Reset a pin back to the NULL function.
detach_interrupt/1 Convenience function for gpio:remove_int/2
digital_read/1 Read the digital state of a GPIO pin.
digital_write/2 Set GPIO digital output level.
hold_dis/1 Release a pin from a hold state.
hold_en/1 Hold the state of a pin.
init/1 Initialize a pin to be used as GPIO.
open/0 Start the GPIO driver port.
read/2 Read the digital state of a GPIO pin.
remove_int/2 Remove a GPIO interrupt.
set_direction/3 Set the operational mode of a pin.
set_int/3 Set a GPIO interrupt.
set_level/3 Set GPIO digital output level.
set_pin_mode/2 Set the operational mode of a pin.
set_pin_pull/2 Set the internal resistor of a pin.
start/0 Start the GPIO driver port.
stop/0 Stop the GPIO interrupt port.

Function Details


attach_interrupt(Pin::pin(), Trigger::trigger()) -> ok | error

Pin: number of the pin to set the interrupt on
Trigger: is the state that will trigger an interrupt

returns: ok | error

Convenience function for gpio:set_int/3

This is a convenience function for gpio:set_int/3 that allows an interrupt to be set using only the pin number and trigger as arguments.

This function should only be used when only one gpio trigger is used in an application. If multiple pins are being configured with interrupt triggers gpio:set_int/3 should be used otherwise there is a race condition when start() is called internally by this function.


close(GPIO::gpio()) -> ok | error

GPIO: pid that was returned from gpio:start/0

returns: ok atom

Stop the GPIO interrupt port

This function disables any interrupts that are set, stops the listening port, and frees all of its resources.


deep_sleep_hold_dis() -> ok

returns: ok

Disable all gpio pad functions during Deep-sleep.


deep_sleep_hold_en() -> ok

returns: ok

Enable all hold functions to continue in deep sleep.

The gpio pad hold function works in both input and output modes, but must be output-capable gpios.

When the chip is in Deep-sleep mode, all digital gpio will hold the state before sleep, and when the chip is woken up, the status of digital gpio will not be held. Note that the pad hold feature only works when the chip is in Deep-sleep mode, when not in sleep mode, the digital gpio state can be changed even you have called this function.

Power down or call gpio_hold_dis will disable this function, otherwise, the digital gpio hold feature works as long as the chip enters Deep-sleep.


deinit(Pin::pin()) -> ok

Pin: number to deinitialize

returns: ok

Reset a pin back to the NULL function. Currently only implemented for RP2040 (Pico).


detach_interrupt(Pin::pin()) -> ok | error

Pin: number of the pin to remove the interrupt

returns: ok | error

Convenience function for gpio:remove_int/2

This is a convenience function for gpio:remove_int/2 that allows an interrupt to be removed using only the pin number as an argument.

Unlike gpio:attach_interrupt/2 this function can be safely used regardless of the number of interrupt pins used in the application.


digital_read(Pin::pin()) -> high | low

Pin: number of the pin to read

returns: high | low

Read the digital state of a GPIO pin

Read if an input pin state is high or low. Warning: if a is not previously configured as an input using gpio:set_pin_mode/2 it will always read as low.


digital_write(Pin::pin(), Level::level()) -> ok | error

Pin: number of the pin to write

returns: ok | error

Set GPIO digital output level

Set a pin to high (1) or low (0).


hold_dis(Pin::pin()) -> ok | error

Pin: number of the pin to be released

returns: ok | error

Release a pin from a hold state.

When the chip is woken up from Deep-sleep, the gpio will be set to the default mode, so, the gpio will output the default level if this function is called. If you don’t want the level changes, the gpio should be configured to a known state before this function is called. e.g. If you hold gpio18 high during Deep-sleep, after the chip is woken up and gpio:hold_dis is called, gpio18 will output low level(because gpio18 is input mode by default). If you don’t want this behavior, you should configure gpio18 as output mode and set it to hight level before calling gpio:hold_dis.


hold_en(Pin::pin()) -> ok | error

Pin: number of the pin to be held

returns: ok | error

Hold the state of a pin

The gpio pad hold function works in both input and output modes, but must be output-capable gpios.

If pad hold enabled: In output mode: the output level of the pad will be force locked and can not be changed. In input mode: the input value read will not change, regardless the changes of input signal.

The state of digital gpio cannot be held during Deep-sleep, and it will resume the hold function when the chip wakes up from Deep-sleep. If the digital gpio also needs to be held during Deep-sleep gpio:deep_sleep_hold_en should also be called.


init(Pin::pin()) -> ok

Pin: number to initialize

returns: ok

Initialize a pin to be used as GPIO. Currently only implemented (and required) for RP2040 (Pico).


open() -> gpio()

returns: Pid

Start the GPIO driver port

The GPIO port driver will be stared and registered as gpio. If the port has already been started through the gpio:open/0 or gpio:start/0 the command will fail. The use of gpio:open/0 or gpio:start/0 is required before using any functions that require a GPIO pid as a parameter.


read(GPIO::gpio(), Pin::pin()) -> high | low

GPIO: pid that was returned from gpio:start/0
Pin: number of the pin to read

returns: high | low

Read the digital state of a GPIO pin

Read if an input pin state is high or low. Warning: if a is not previously configured as an input using gpio:set_direction/3 it will always read as low.


remove_int(GPIO::gpio(), Pin::pin()) -> ok | error

GPIO: pid that was returned from gpio:start/0
Pin: number of the pin to remove the interrupt

returns: ok | error

Remove a GPIO interrupt

Removes an interrupt from the specified pin.


set_direction(GPIO::gpio(), Pin::pin(), Direction::direction()) -> ok | error

GPIO: pid that was returned from gpio:start/0
Pin: number of the pin to configure
Direction: is input, output, or output_od

returns: ok | error

Set the operational mode of a pin

Pins can be used for input, output, or output with open drain.


set_int(GPIO::gpio(), Pin::pin(), Trigger::trigger()) -> ok | error

GPIO: pid that was returned from gpio:start/0
Pin: number of the pin to set the interrupt on
Trigger: is the state that will trigger an interrupt

returns: ok | error

Set a GPIO interrupt

Available triggers are none (which is the same as disabling an interrupt), rising, falling, both (rising or falling), low, and high. When the interrupt is triggered it will send a tuple: {gpio_interrupt, Pin} to the process that set the interrupt. Pin will be the number of the pin that triggered the interrupt.


set_level(GPIO::gpio(), Pin::pin(), Level::level()) -> ok | error

GPIO: pid that was returned from gpio:start/0
Pin: number of the pin to write

returns: ok | error

Set GPIO digital output level

Set a pin to high (1) or low (0).


set_pin_mode(Pin::pin(), Direction::direction()) -> ok | error

Pin: number to set operational mode
Direction: is input, output, or output_od

returns: ok | error

Set the operational mode of a pin

Pins can be used for input, output, or output with open drain.


set_pin_pull(Pin::pin(), Pull::pull()) -> ok | error

Pin: number to set internal resistor direction
Pull: is the internal resistor state

returns: ok | error

Set the internal resistor of a pin

Pins can be internally pulled up, down, up_down (pulled in both directions), or left floating.


start() -> gpio()

returns: Pid

Start the GPIO driver port

Returns the pid of the active GPIO port driver, otherwise the GPIO port driver will be stared and registered as gpio. The use of gpio:open/0 or gpio:start/0 is required before using any functions that require a GPIO pid as a parameter.


stop() -> ok | error

returns: ok atom

Stop the GPIO interrupt port

This function disables any interrupts that are set, stops the listening port, and frees all of its resources.