Module console

This modules supports output of string data to the console.

Function Index

flush/0 Flush any previously written data to the console.
print/1 Write a string to the console.
puts/1 Write a string to the console.

Function Details


flush() -> ok | {error, term()}

returns: ok if the data was written, or {error, Reason}, if there was an error.

Flush any previously written data to the console.


puts(String::string()) -> ok | {error, term()}

String: the string data to write to the console

returns: ok if the data was written, or {error, Reason}, if there was an error.

Write a string to the console.

Note. This operation will only write string data.The output is not suffixed with a newline character or sequence.To print an erlang term, use erlang:display/1.

See also: erlang:display/1.