Module esp

ESP32-specific APIs.


This module contains functions that are specific to the ESP32 platform.

Data Types


esp_partition() = {binary(), esp_partition_type(), esp_partition_subtype(), esp_partition_address(), esp_partition_size(), esp_partition_props()}


esp_partition_address() = 0..134217728


esp_partition_props() = []


esp_partition_size() = 0..134217728


esp_partition_subtype() = 0..254


esp_partition_type() = 0..254


esp_reset_reason() = esp_rst_unknown | esp_rst_poweron | esp_rst_ext | esp_rst_sw | esp_rst_panic | esp_rst_int_wdt | esp_rst_task_wdt | esp_rst_wdt | esp_rst_deepsleep | esp_rst_brownout | esp_rst_sdio


esp_wakeup_cause() = sleep_wakeup_ext0 | sleep_wakeup_ext1 | sleep_wakeup_timer | sleep_wakeup_touchpad | sleep_wakeup_ulp | sleep_wakeup_gpio | sleep_wakeup_uart | sleep_wakeup_wifi | sleep_wakeup_cocpu | sleep_wakeup_cocpu_trap_trig | sleep_wakeup_bt


interface() = wifi_sta | wifi_softap


mac() = binary()

Function Index

freq_hz/0 Return the clock frequency on the chip.
get_mac/1 Return the network MAC address of the specified interface.
nvs_erase_all/0(Deprecated.) Equivalent to nvs_erase_all(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS).
nvs_erase_all/1 Erase all values in the specified namespace.
nvs_erase_key/1(Deprecated.) Equivalent to nvs_erase_key(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS, Key).
nvs_erase_key/2 Erase the value associated with a key.
nvs_fetch_binary/2 Get the binary value associated with a key, or undefined, if there is no value associated with this key.
nvs_get_binary/1(Deprecated.) Equivalent to nvs_get_binary(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS, Key).
nvs_get_binary/2 Get the binary value associated with a key, or undefined, if there is no value associated with this key.
nvs_get_binary/3 Get the binary value associated with a key, or Default, if there is no value associated with this key.
nvs_put_binary/3 Set an binary value associated with a key.
nvs_reformat/0 Reformat the entire NVS partition.
nvs_set_binary/2(Deprecated.) Equivalent to nvs_set_binary(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS, Key, Value).
nvs_set_binary/3(Deprecated.) Set an binary value associated with a key.
partition_list/0 Gets the list of partitions as tuples, such as {name, type, subtype, offset, size, props}.
reset_reason/0 Returns the reason for the restart.
restart/0 Restarts the ESP device.
rtc_slow_get_binary/0 Get the binary currently stored in RTC slow memory.
rtc_slow_set_binary/1 Store a binary to RTC slow memory.
wakeup_cause/0 Returns the cause for the wakeup.

Function Details


freq_hz() -> non_neg_integer()

returns: Clock frequency (in hz)

Return the clock frequency on the chip


get_mac(Interface::interface()) -> mac()

Interface: the ESP32 network interface

returns: The network MAC address of the specified interface

Return the network MAC address of the specified interface.

The mac address is returned as a 6-byte binary, per the IEEE 802 family of specifications.


nvs_erase_all() -> ok

This function is deprecated: Please do not use this function.

Equivalent to nvs_erase_all(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS).


nvs_erase_all(Namespace::atom()) -> ok

Namespace: NVS namespace

returns: ok

Erase all values in the specified namespace.


nvs_erase_key(Key::atom()) -> ok

Key: NVS key

returns: ok

This function is deprecated: Please do not use this function.

Equivalent to nvs_erase_key(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS, Key).


nvs_erase_key(Namespace::atom(), Key::atom()) -> ok

Namespace: NVS namespace
Key: NVS key

returns: ok

Erase the value associated with a key. If a value does not exist for the specified key, no action is performed.


nvs_fetch_binary(Namespace::atom(), Key::atom()) -> {ok, binary()} | {error, not_found} | {error, atom()}

Namespace: NVS namespace
Key: NVS key

returns: tagged tuple with binary value associated with this key in NV storage, {error, not_found} if there is no value associated with this key, or in general {error, Reason} for any other error.

Get the binary value associated with a key, or undefined, if there is no value associated with this key.


nvs_get_binary(Key::atom()) -> binary() | undefined

This function is deprecated: Please do not use this function.

Equivalent to nvs_get_binary(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS, Key).


nvs_get_binary(Namespace::atom(), Key::atom()) -> binary() | undefined

Namespace: NVS namespace
Key: NVS key

returns: binary value associated with this key in NV storage, or undefined if there is no value associated with this key.

Get the binary value associated with a key, or undefined, if there is no value associated with this key.


nvs_get_binary(Namespace::atom(), Key::atom(), Default::binary()) -> binary() | undefined

Namespace: NVS namespace
Key: NVS key
Default: default binary value, if Key is not set in Namespace

returns: binary value associated with this key in NV storage, or Default if there is no value associated with this key.

Get the binary value associated with a key, or Default, if there is no value associated with this key.


nvs_put_binary(Namespace::atom(), Key::atom(), Value::binary()) -> ok

Namespace: NVS namespace
Key: NVS key
Value: binary value

returns: ok

Set an binary value associated with a key. If a value exists for the specified key, it is over-written.


nvs_reformat() -> ok

returns: ok

Reformat the entire NVS partition. WARNING. This will result in deleting all NVS data and should be used with extreme caution!


nvs_set_binary(Key::atom(), Value::binary()) -> ok

This function is deprecated: Please use nvs_put_binary instead.

Equivalent to nvs_set_binary(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS, Key, Value).


nvs_set_binary(Namespace::atom(), Key::atom(), Value::binary()) -> ok

Namespace: NVS namespace
Key: NVS key
Value: binary value

returns: ok

This function is deprecated: Please use nvs_put_binary instead.

Set an binary value associated with a key. If a value exists for the specified key, it is over-written.


partition_list() -> [esp_partition()]

returns: List of partitions

Gets the list of partitions as tuples, such as {name, type, subtype, offset, size, props}. Type and subtype are integers as described in esp-idf documentation.


reset_reason() -> esp_reset_reason()

returns: the reason for the restart

Returns the reason for the restart


restart() -> ok

Restarts the ESP device


rtc_slow_get_binary() -> binary()

returns: the currently stored binary in RTC slow memory.

Get the binary currently stored in RTC slow memory. Must not be called unless the binary was stored with rtc_slow_set_binary/1. A limited checksum is ran and this function may throw badarg if the checksum is not valid.


rtc_slow_set_binary(Bin::binary()) -> ok

Bin: binary to be stored in RTC slow memory

returns: ok

Store a binary to RTC slow memory. This memory is not erased on software reset and deep sleeps.


sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(Pin::pos_integer(), Level::0..1) -> ok | error

returns: Configure ext0 wakeup


sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(Mask::non_neg_integer(), Mode::0..1) -> ok | error

returns: Configure ext1 wakeup


wakeup_cause() -> undefined | esp_wakeup_cause() | error

returns: the cause for the wake up

Returns the cause for the wakeup