Module proplists

An implementation of the Erlang/OTP proplists interface.


This module implements a strict subset of the Erlang/OTP proplists interface.

Data Types


property() = atom() | {term(), term()}


proplist() = [property()]

Function Index

compact/1 Minimizes the representation of all entries in the list.
delete/2 Deletes all entries associated with Key from List.
from_map/1 Converts the map Map to a property list.
get_all_values/2 Similar to get_value/2, but returns the list of values for _all_ entries {Key, Value} in List.
get_bool/2 Returns the value of a boolean key/value option.
get_value/2 Get a value from a property list.
get_value/3 Get a value from a property list.
is_defined/2 Returns true if List contains at least one entry associated with Key, otherwise false.
lookup/2 Returns the first entry associated with Key in List, if one exists, otherwise returns none.
lookup_all/2 Returns the list of all entries associated with Key in List.
property/1 Creates a normal form (minimal) representation of a property.
property/2 Creates a normal form (minimal) representation of a simple key/value property.
to_map/1 Converts the property list List to a map.
unfold/1 Unfolds all occurrences of atoms in ListIn to tuples {Atom, true}.

Function Details


compact(ListIn) -> ListOut

ListIn: the list will be compacted, such as [{key, true}]

returns: the compacted list, such as [key]

Minimizes the representation of all entries in the list. This is equivalent to [property(P) || P <- ListIn]. See also property/1, unfold/1.


delete(Key, List) -> List
  • Key = term()
  • List = [term()]

Key: the item key that will be deleted
List: the property list from which items will be deleted

returns: A list without items having key Key

Deletes all entries associated with Key from List.


from_map(Map) -> List
  • Map = #{Key => Value}
  • List = [{Key, Value}]
  • Key = term()
  • Value = term()

Map: the map that will be converted, such as #{key => true}

returns: the map converted to list, such as [{key, true}]

Converts the map Map to a property list.


get_all_values(Key, List) -> [term()]
  • Key = term()
  • List = [term()]

Key: the key with which to find the values
List: the property list from which to get the value

returns: a list of values for all entries having Key as key

Similar to get_value/2, but returns the list of values for all entries {Key, Value} in List. If no such entry exists, the result is the empty list.


get_bool(Key, List) -> boolean()
  • Key = term()
  • List = [term()]

Key: the key that will be searched
List: the list where key is searched

returns: true when exists an option with given key that is true, otherwise false

Returns the value of a boolean key/value option. If lookup(Key, List) would yield {Key, true}, this function returns true, otherwise false. See also get_value/2, lookup/2.


get_value(Key::term(), List::[property()]) -> term() | true | undefined

Equivalent to get_value(Key, List, undefined).

Get a value from a property list.


get_value(Key::term(), List::[property()], Default::term()) -> term()

Key: the key with which to find the value
List: the property list from which to get the value
Default: the default value to return, if Key is not in the property list.

returns: the value in the property list under the key, or Default, if Key is not in List.

Get a value from a property list.

Returns the value under the specified key, or the specified Default, if the Key is not in the supplied List. If the Key corresponds to an entry in the property list that is just a single atom, this function returns the atom true.


is_defined(Key, List) -> boolean()
  • Key = term()
  • List = [term()]

Key: the key that will be searched
List: the list where key is searched

returns: true if Key is defined, otherwise false

Returns true if List contains at least one entry associated with Key, otherwise false.


lookup(Key, List) -> none | tuple()
  • Key = term()
  • List = [term()]

Key: the key with which to find the entry
List: the property list from which to get the entry

returns: Either the found entry (always as a tuple) or none

Returns the first entry associated with Key in List, if one exists, otherwise returns none. For an atom A in the list, the tuple {A, true} is the entry associated with A. See also get_bool/2, get_value/2, lookup_all/2.


lookup_all(Key, List) -> [tuple()]
  • Key = term()
  • List = [term()]

Key: the key with which to find the entries
List: the property list from which to get the entries

returns: all entries having Key as key

Returns the list of all entries associated with Key in List. If no such entry exists, the result is the empty list. See also lookup/2.


property(PropertyIn) -> PropertyOut

PropertyIn: a property

returns: the same property in normal form

Creates a normal form (minimal) representation of a property. If PropertyIn is {Key, true}, where Key is an atom, Key is returned, otherwise the whole term PropertyIn is returned. See also property/2.


property(Key, Value) -> Property
  • Key = term()
  • Value = term()
  • Property = atom() | {term(), term()}

Key: the property key
Value: the property value

returns: Creates a property in normal form

Creates a normal form (minimal) representation of a simple key/value property. Returns Key if Value is true and Key is an atom, otherwise a tuple {Key, Value} is returned. See also property/1.


to_map(List) -> Map
  • List = [Shorthand | {Key, Value} | term()]
  • Map = #{Shorthand => true, Key => Value}
  • Shorthand = atom()
  • Key = term()
  • Value = term()

List: the list will be converted to a map, such as [key, {one, 1}]

returns: the list converted as a map, such as #{key => true, one => 1}

Converts the property list List to a map

Shorthand atom values in List will be expanded to an association of the form Atom => true. Tuples of the form {Key, Value} in List will be converted to an association of the form Key => Value. Anything else will be silently ignored.

If the same key appears in List multiple times, the value of the one appearing nearest to the head of List will be in the result map, that is the value that would be returned by a call to get_value(Key, List).


unfold(ListIn) -> ListOut
  • ListIn = [term()]
  • ListOut = [term()]

ListIn: the list that will be unfolded, such as [key]

returns: the unfolded list, such as {key, true}

Unfolds all occurrences of atoms in ListIn to tuples {Atom, true}.