Module ets
A limited implementation of the Erlang/OTP ets
Data Types
access_type() = private | protected | public
option() = table_type() | {keypos, non_neg_integer()} | access_type()
options() = [option()]
abstract datatype: table()
table_type() = set
Function Index
delete/2 | Delete an entry from an ets table. |
insert/2 | Insert an entry into an ets table. |
lookup/2 | Look up an entry in an ets table. |
lookup_element/3 | Look up an element from an entry in an ets table. |
new/2 | Create a new ets table. |
update_counter/3 | Updates a counter value at Key in the table. |
update_counter/4 | Updates a counter value at Key in the table. |
Function Details
delete(Table::table(), Key::term()) -> true
: a reference to the ets tableKey
: the key used to lookup one or more entries to delete
returns: true; otherwise, an error is raised if arguments are bad
Delete an entry from an ets table.
insert(Table::table(), Entry::tuple() | [tuple()]) -> true
: a reference to the ets tableEntry
: the entry to insert
returns: true; otherwise, an error is raised if arguments are bad
Insert an entry into an ets table.
lookup(Table::table(), Key::term()) -> [tuple()]
: a reference to the ets tableKey
: the key used to lookup one or more entries
returns: the entry in a set, or a list of entries, if the table permits
Look up an entry in an ets table.
lookup_element(Table::table(), Key::term(), Pos::pos_integer()) -> term()
: a reference to the ets tableKey
: the key used to lookup one or more entriesPos
: index of the element to retrieve (1-based)
returns: the Pos:nth element of entry in a set, or a list of entries, if the table permits
Look up an element from an entry in an ets table.
new(Name::atom(), Options::options()) -> table()
: the ets table nameOptions
: the options used to create the table
returns: A new ets table
Create a new ets table.
update_counter(Table::table(), Key::term(), Params::integer() | {pos_integer(), integer()} | {pos_integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}) -> integer()
: a reference to the ets tableKey
: the key used to look up the entry expecting to contain a tuple of integers or a single integerParams
: the increment value or a tuple {Pos, Increment} or {Pos, Increment, Treshold, SetValue},
where Pos is an integer (1-based index) specifying the position in the tuple to increment. Value is clamped to SetValue if it exceeds Threshold after update.
returns: the updated element’s value after performing the increment, or the default value if applicable
Updates a counter value at Key in the table. If Params is a single integer, it increments the direct integer value at Key or the first integer in a tuple. If Params is a tuple {Pos, Increment}, it increments the integer at the specified position Pos in the tuple stored at Key.
update_counter(Table::table(), Key::term(), Params::integer() | {pos_integer(), integer()} | {pos_integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}, Default::integer()) -> integer()
: a reference to the ets tableKey
: the key used to look up the entry expecting to contain a tuple of integers or a single integerParams
: the increment value or a tuple {Pos, Increment} or {Pos, Increment, Treshold, SetValue},
where Pos is an integer (1-based index) specifying the position in the tuple to increment. If after incrementation value exceeds the Treshold, it is set to SetValue.Default
: the default value used if the entry at Key doesn’t exist or doesn’t contain a valid tuple with a sufficient size or integer at Pos
returns: the updated element’s value after performing the increment, or the default value if applicable
Updates a counter value at Key in the table. If Params is a single integer, it increments the direct integer value at Key or the first integer in a tuple. If Params is a tuple {Pos, Increment}, it increments the integer at the specified position Pos in the tuple stored at Key. If the needed element does not exist, uses Default value as a fallback.