Module code

An implementation of a subset of the Erlang/OTP code interface.

Function Index

load_abs/1 Load a module from a path.
load_binary/3 Load a module from a binary.

Function Details


load_abs(Filename::string()) -> error | {module, module()}

Filename: path to the beam to open, without .beams suffix

returns: A tuple with the name of the module

Load a module from a path. Error return result type is different from Erlang/OTP.


load_binary(Module::module(), Filename::string(), Binary::binary()) -> error | {module, module()}

Module: name of the module to load
Filename: path to the beam (unused)
Binary: binary of the module to load

returns: A tuple with the name of the module

Load a module from a binary. Error return result type is different from Erlang/OTP. Also unlike Erlang/OTP, no check is performed to verify that Module matches the name of the loaded module.