Module io

An implementation of the Erlang/OTP io interface.


This module implements a strict subset of the Erlang/OTP io interface.

Function Index

format/1 Equivalent to format(Format, []).
format/2 Format string and data to console.
get_line/1 Read string from console with prompt.
put_chars/1 Writes the given character(s) to the console.
put_chars/2 Writes the given character(s) to the console.

Function Details


format(Format::string()) -> string()

Equivalent to format(Format, []).


format(Format::string(), Args::list()) -> string()

Format: format string
Args: format argument

returns: string

Format string and data to console. See io_lib:format/2 for information about formatting capabilities.


get_line(Prompt::string()) -> string()

Prompt: prompt for user input

returns: string

Read string from console with prompt.


put_chars(Chars::list() | binary()) -> ok

Chars: character(s) to write to console

returns: ok

Writes the given character(s) to the console.


put_chars(Device::any(), Chars::list() | binary()) -> ok

Chars: character(s) to write to console

returns: ok

Writes the given character(s) to the console.