Module esp

ESP32-specific APIs.


This module contains functions that are specific to the ESP32 platform.

Data Types


esp_partition() = {binary(), esp_partition_type(), esp_partition_subtype(), esp_partition_address(), esp_partition_size(), esp_partition_props()}


esp_partition_address() = 0..134217728


esp_partition_props() = []


esp_partition_size() = 0..134217728


esp_partition_subtype() = 0..254


esp_partition_type() = 0..254


esp_reset_reason() = esp_rst_unknown | esp_rst_poweron | esp_rst_ext | esp_rst_sw | esp_rst_panic | esp_rst_int_wdt | esp_rst_task_wdt | esp_rst_wdt | esp_rst_deepsleep | esp_rst_brownout | esp_rst_sdio


esp_wakeup_cause() = sleep_wakeup_ext0 | sleep_wakeup_ext1 | sleep_wakeup_timer | sleep_wakeup_touchpad | sleep_wakeup_ulp | sleep_wakeup_gpio | sleep_wakeup_uart | sleep_wakeup_wifi | sleep_wakeup_cocpu | sleep_wakeup_cocpu_trap_trig | sleep_wakeup_bt


interface() = wifi_sta | wifi_softap


mac() = binary()


abstract datatype: mounted_fs()


task_wdt_config() = {TimeoutMS::pos_integer(), IdleCoreMask::non_neg_integer(), TriggerPanic::boolean()}


abstract datatype: task_wdt_user_handle()

Function Index

deep_sleep/0Put the esp32 into deep sleep.
deep_sleep/1Put the esp32 into deep sleep.
deep_sleep_enable_gpio_wakeup/2Configure multiple gpio pins for wakeup from deep sleep.
freq_hz/0 Return the clock frequency on the chip.
get_default_mac/0 Retrieve the default MAC address of the ESP32 device.
get_mac/1 Return the network MAC address of the specified interface.
mount/4 Mount a filesystem, and return a resource that can be used later for unmounting it.
nvs_erase_all/0(Deprecated.) Equivalent to nvs_erase_all(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS).
nvs_erase_all/1 Erase all values in the specified namespace.
nvs_erase_key/1(Deprecated.) Equivalent to nvs_erase_key(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS, Key).
nvs_erase_key/2 Erase the value associated with a key.
nvs_fetch_binary/2 Get the binary value associated with a key, or undefined, if there is no value associated with this key.
nvs_get_binary/1(Deprecated.) Equivalent to nvs_get_binary(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS, Key).
nvs_get_binary/2 Get the binary value associated with a key, or undefined, if there is no value associated with this key.
nvs_get_binary/3 Get the binary value associated with a key, or Default, if there is no value associated with this key.
nvs_put_binary/3 Set an binary value associated with a key.
nvs_reformat/0 Reformat the entire NVS partition.
nvs_set_binary/2(Deprecated.) Equivalent to nvs_set_binary(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS, Key, Value).
nvs_set_binary/3(Deprecated.) Set an binary value associated with a key.
partition_list/0 Gets the list of partitions as tuples, such as {name, type, subtype, offset, size, props}.
reset_reason/0 Returns the reason for the restart.
restart/0 Restarts the ESP device.
rtc_slow_get_binary/0 Get the binary currently stored in RTC slow memory.
rtc_slow_set_binary/1 Store a binary to RTC slow memory.
sleep_disable_ext1_wakeup_io/1Unconfigure one or more gpio pins for wakeup from deep sleep.
sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup/2Configure gpio wakeup from deep sleep.
sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup/2(Deprecated.) Configure multiple gpio pins for wakeup from deep sleep.
sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup_io/2Configure multiple gpio pins for wakeup from deep sleep.
sleep_get_wakeup_cause/0 Returns the cause for the wakeup.
task_wdt_add_user/1 Register a user of the task watchdog timer.
task_wdt_deinit/0 Deinitialize the task watchdog timer Available with ESP-IDF 5.0 or higher.
task_wdt_delete_user/1 Unsubscribe a given user from the task watchdog timer.
task_wdt_init/1 Initialize the task watchdog timer with a configuration Available with ESP-IDF 5.0 or higher.
task_wdt_reconfigure/1 Update the configuration of the task watchdog timer Available with ESP-IDF 5.0 or higher.
task_wdt_reset_user/1 Reset the timer a previously registered user.
umount/1 Unmounts filesystem located at given path.

Function Details


deep_sleep() -> no_return()

Put the esp32 into deep sleep. This function never returns. Program is restarted and wake up reason can be inspected to determine how the esp32 was woken up.


deep_sleep(SleepMS::non_neg_integer()) -> no_return()

SleepMS: time to deep sleep in milliseconds

Put the esp32 into deep sleep. This function never returns. Program is restarted and wake up reason can be inspected to determine if the esp32 was woken by the timeout or by another cause.


deep_sleep_enable_gpio_wakeup(Mask::pos_integer(), Mode::0..1) -> ok | error

Mask: bit mask of GPIO numbers which will cause wakeup

level that will trigger the wakeup.

The available modes are:

Mode Description

returns: ok | error

Configure multiple gpio pins for wakeup from deep sleep. Implemented for SOCs that support it (ESP32C2, ESP32C3, ESP32C6, ESP32P4)


freq_hz() -> non_neg_integer()

returns: Clock frequency (in hz)

Return the clock frequency on the chip


get_default_mac() -> {ok, mac()} | {error, atom()}

returns: The default MAC address of the ESP32 device.

Retrieve the default MAC address of the ESP32 device. This function accesses the EFUSE memory of the ESP32 and reads the factory-programmed MAC address.

The mac address is returned as a 6-byte binary, per the IEEE 802 family of specifications.


get_mac(Interface::interface()) -> mac()

Interface: the ESP32 network interface

returns: The network MAC address of the specified interface

Return the network MAC address of the specified interface.

The mac address is returned as a 6-byte binary, per the IEEE 802 family of specifications.


mount(Source::unicode:chardata(), Target::unicode:chardata(), FS::fat, Opts::proplists:proplist() | #{atom() => term()}) -> {ok, mounted_fs()} | {error, term()}

Source: the device that will be mounted
Target: the path where the filesystem will be mounted
FS: the filesystem, only fat is supported now

returns: either a tuple having ok and the mounted fs resource, or an error tuple

Mount a filesystem, and return a resource that can be used later for unmounting it


nvs_erase_all() -> ok

This function is deprecated: Please do not use this function.

Equivalent to nvs_erase_all(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS).


nvs_erase_all(Namespace::atom()) -> ok

Namespace: NVS namespace

returns: ok

Erase all values in the specified namespace.


nvs_erase_key(Key::atom()) -> ok

Key: NVS key

returns: ok

This function is deprecated: Please do not use this function.

Equivalent to nvs_erase_key(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS, Key).


nvs_erase_key(Namespace::atom(), Key::atom()) -> ok

Namespace: NVS namespace
Key: NVS key

returns: ok

Erase the value associated with a key. If a value does not exist for the specified key, no action is performed.


nvs_fetch_binary(Namespace::atom(), Key::atom()) -> {ok, binary()} | {error, not_found} | {error, atom()}

Namespace: NVS namespace
Key: NVS key

returns: tagged tuple with binary value associated with this key in NV storage, {error, not_found} if there is no value associated with this key, or in general {error, Reason} for any other error.

Get the binary value associated with a key, or undefined, if there is no value associated with this key.


nvs_get_binary(Key::atom()) -> binary() | undefined

This function is deprecated: Please do not use this function.

Equivalent to nvs_get_binary(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS, Key).


nvs_get_binary(Namespace::atom(), Key::atom()) -> binary() | undefined

Namespace: NVS namespace
Key: NVS key

returns: binary value associated with this key in NV storage, or undefined if there is no value associated with this key.

Get the binary value associated with a key, or undefined, if there is no value associated with this key.


nvs_get_binary(Namespace::atom(), Key::atom(), Default::binary()) -> binary() | undefined

Namespace: NVS namespace
Key: NVS key
Default: default binary value, if Key is not set in Namespace

returns: binary value associated with this key in NV storage, or Default if there is no value associated with this key.

Get the binary value associated with a key, or Default, if there is no value associated with this key.


nvs_put_binary(Namespace::atom(), Key::atom(), Value::binary()) -> ok

Namespace: NVS namespace
Key: NVS key
Value: binary value

returns: ok

Set an binary value associated with a key. If a value exists for the specified key, it is over-written.


nvs_reformat() -> ok

returns: ok

Reformat the entire NVS partition. WARNING. This will result in deleting all NVS data and should be used with extreme caution!


nvs_set_binary(Key::atom(), Value::binary()) -> ok

This function is deprecated: Please use nvs_put_binary instead.

Equivalent to nvs_set_binary(?ATOMVM_NVS_NS, Key, Value).


nvs_set_binary(Namespace::atom(), Key::atom(), Value::binary()) -> ok

Namespace: NVS namespace
Key: NVS key
Value: binary value

returns: ok

This function is deprecated: Please use nvs_put_binary instead.

Set an binary value associated with a key. If a value exists for the specified key, it is over-written.


partition_list() -> [esp_partition()]

returns: List of partitions

Gets the list of partitions as tuples, such as {name, type, subtype, offset, size, props}. Type and subtype are integers as described in esp-idf documentation.


reset_reason() -> esp_reset_reason()

returns: the reason for the restart

Returns the reason for the restart


restart() -> ok

Restarts the ESP device


rtc_slow_get_binary() -> binary()

returns: the currently stored binary in RTC slow memory.

Get the binary currently stored in RTC slow memory. Must not be called unless the binary was stored with rtc_slow_set_binary/1. A limited checksum is ran and this function may throw badarg if the checksum is not valid.


rtc_slow_set_binary(Bin::binary()) -> ok

Bin: binary to be stored in RTC slow memory

returns: ok

Store a binary to RTC slow memory. This memory is not erased on software reset and deep sleeps.


sleep_disable_ext1_wakeup_io(Mask::pos_integer()) -> ok | error

Mask: bit mask of GPIO numbers to reset.

returns: ok | error

Unconfigure one or more gpio pins for wakeup from deep sleep. Implemented for SOCs that support it (ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32S3, ESP32C6, ESP32H2). This function resets pins previously configured with sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup_io.

Introduced in: ESP-IDF 5.3 and maybe 5.2.2


sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(Pin::non_neg_integer(), Level::0..1) -> ok | error

Pin: number of the pin to use as wakeup event
Level: is the state to trigger a wakeup

returns: ok | error

Configure gpio wakeup from deep sleep. Implemented for SOCs that support it (ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32S3)


sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(Mask::pos_integer(), Mode::0..3) -> ok | error

Mask: bit mask of GPIO numbers which will cause wakeup

used to determine wakeup events

The available modes are:

Mode Description

returns: ok | error

This function is deprecated: This function will be removed in ESP-IDF 6.0. Use sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup_io instead.

Configure multiple gpio pins for wakeup from deep sleep. Implemented for SOCs that support it (ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32S3, ESP32C6, ESP32H2).


sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup_io(Mask::pos_integer(), Mode::0..3) -> ok | error

Mask: bit mask of GPIO numbers which will cause wakeup

used to determine wakeup events

The available modes are:

Mode Description

returns: ok | error

Configure multiple gpio pins for wakeup from deep sleep. Implemented for SOCs that support it (ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32S3, ESP32C6, ESP32H2). This function does not reset the previously set pins. On some SOCs (ESP32C6, ESP32H2), pins can be configured with different levels.

Introduced in: ESP-IDF 5.3 and maybe 5.2.2


sleep_enable_ulp_wakeup() -> ok | error

returns: Enable ulp wakeup


sleep_get_wakeup_cause() -> undefined | esp_wakeup_cause() | error

returns: the cause for the wake up

Returns the cause for the wakeup


task_wdt_add_user(Username::iodata()) -> {ok, task_wdt_user_handle()} | {error, any()}

Username: name of the user

returns: the handle to use with task_wdt_reset_user/1 or an error tuple.

Register a user of the task watchdog timer. Available with ESP-IDF 5.0 or higher.


task_wdt_deinit() -> ok | {error, any()}

returns: ok or an error tuple if tasks are subscribed (beyond idle tasks) or if the timer is not initialized

Deinitialize the task watchdog timer Available with ESP-IDF 5.0 or higher.


task_wdt_delete_user(UserHandle::task_wdt_user_handle()) -> ok | {error, any()}

UserHandle: handle for the user, obtained from task_wdt_add_user/1

returns: ok or an error tuple

Unsubscribe a given user from the task watchdog timer. Available with ESP-IDF 5.0 or higher.


task_wdt_init(Config::task_wdt_config()) -> ok | {error, already_started} | {error, any()}

Config: configuration for the watchdog timer

returns: ok or an error tuple

Initialize the task watchdog timer with a configuration Available with ESP-IDF 5.0 or higher.


task_wdt_reconfigure(Config::task_wdt_config()) -> ok | {error, noproc} | {error, any()}

Config: configuration for the watchdog timer

returns: ok or an error tuple

Update the configuration of the task watchdog timer Available with ESP-IDF 5.0 or higher.


task_wdt_reset_user(UserHandle::task_wdt_user_handle()) -> ok | {error, any()}

UserHandle: handle for the user, obtained from task_wdt_add_user/1

returns: ok or an error tuple

Reset the timer a previously registered user. Available with ESP-IDF 5.0 or higher.


umount(Target::mounted_fs()) -> ok | {error, term()}

returns: either ok or an error tuple

Unmounts filesystem located at given path