Include dependency graph for term.c:
![digraph {
graph [bgcolor="#00000000"]
node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2]
edge [color="#1414CE"]
"3" [label="stdbool.h" tooltip="stdbool.h"]
"34" [label="stdarg.h" tooltip="stdarg.h"]
"19" [label="atom.h" tooltip="atom.h"]
"11" [label="assert.h" tooltip="assert.h"]
"25" [label="synclist.h" tooltip="synclist.h"]
"32" [label="tempstack.h" tooltip="tempstack.h"]
"4" [label="stdint.h" tooltip="stdint.h"]
"6" [label="stdlib.h" tooltip="stdlib.h"]
"31" [label="valueshashtable.h" tooltip="valueshashtable.h"]
"30" [label="exportedfunction.h" tooltip="exportedfunction.h"]
"21" [label="context.h" tooltip="context.h"]
"14" [label="utils.h" tooltip="utils.h"]
"20" [label="atom_table.h" tooltip="atom_table.h"]
"10" [label="term_typedef.h" tooltip="term_typedef.h"]
"15" [label="stddef.h" tooltip="stddef.h"]
"12" [label="limits.h" tooltip="limits.h"]
"16" [label="refc_binary.h" tooltip="refc_binary.h"]
"7" [label="string.h" tooltip="string.h"]
"23" [label="mailbox.h" tooltip="mailbox.h"]
"28" [label="module.h" tooltip="module.h"]
"1" [label="/home/runner/work/AtomVM/AtomVM/src/libAtomVM/term.c" tooltip="/home/runner/work/AtomVM/AtomVM/src/libAtomVM/term.c" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"]
"2" [label="term.h" tooltip="term.h"]
"9" [label="erl_nif.h" tooltip="erl_nif.h"]
"27" [label="interop.h" tooltip="interop.h"]
"18" [label="resources.h" tooltip="resources.h"]
"24" [label="smp.h" tooltip="smp.h"]
"33" [label="ctype.h" tooltip="ctype.h"]
"29" [label="atomshashtable.h" tooltip="atomshashtable.h"]
"22" [label="globalcontext.h" tooltip="globalcontext.h"]
"8" [label="memory.h" tooltip="memory.h"]
"5" [label="stdio.h" tooltip="stdio.h"]
"26" [label="timer_list.h" tooltip="timer_list.h"]
"17" [label="list.h" tooltip="list.h"]
"13" [label="inttypes.h" tooltip="inttypes.h"]
"19" -> "4" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"19" -> "6" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"25" -> "17" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"25" -> "5" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"25" -> "24" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"32" -> "10" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"32" -> "14" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"30" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"21" -> "22" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"21" -> "17" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"21" -> "23" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"21" -> "24" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"21" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"21" -> "26" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"14" -> "15" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"20" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"20" -> "19" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"10" -> "11" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"10" -> "12" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"10" -> "13" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"10" -> "4" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"16" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"16" -> "6" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"16" -> "17" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"16" -> "18" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"23" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"23" -> "17" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"23" -> "10" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"23" -> "14" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"28" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"28" -> "4" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"28" -> "19" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"28" -> "20" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"28" -> "29" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"28" -> "21" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"28" -> "30" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"28" -> "22" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"28" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"28" -> "31" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"1" -> "19" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"1" -> "20" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"1" -> "21" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"1" -> "27" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"1" -> "28" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"1" -> "32" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"1" -> "33" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"1" -> "13" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"1" -> "34" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"1" -> "15" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"1" -> "5" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"2" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"2" -> "4" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"2" -> "5" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"2" -> "6" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"2" -> "7" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"2" -> "8" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"2" -> "16" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"2" -> "14" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"2" -> "10" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"9" -> "10" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"27" -> "21" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"27" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"18" -> "6" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"18" -> "9" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"18" -> "17" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"18" -> "8" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"24" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"29" -> "19" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"22" -> "4" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"22" -> "19" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"22" -> "20" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"22" -> "9" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"22" -> "17" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"22" -> "23" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"22" -> "24" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"22" -> "25" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"22" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"22" -> "26" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"8" -> "9" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"8" -> "10" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"8" -> "14" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"8" -> "4" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"8" -> "6" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"26" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"26" -> "4" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
"26" -> "17" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
CMP_POP_AND_CONTINUE() other = temp_stack_pop(&temp_stack); \
if (other == BEGIN_MAP_KEY
) { \
map_key_nesting++; \
other = temp_stack_pop(&temp_stack); \
else if (other == END_MAP_KEY) { \
map_key_nesting--; \
other = temp_stack_pop(&temp_stack); \
} \
t = temp_stack_pop(&temp_stack);
int fprintf_printer(PrinterFun *fun, const char *fmt, ...)
int snprintf_printer(PrinterFun *fun, const char *fmt, ...)
void term_display(FILE *fd, term t, const Context *ctx)
Prints a term to stdout.
Print any term to the given file.
- Parameters:
fd – the file where the term will be printed.
t – the term that will be printed.
ctx – the context.
int term_fprint(FILE *stream, term t, const GlobalContext *global)
Prints a term to the given file.
Print any given term to the given file.
- Parameters:
fd – the file where the term will be printed.
t – the term that will be printed.
global – the
- Returns:
the number of printed characters.
int term_snprint(char *buf, size_t size, term t, const GlobalContext *global)
Write a term to a string as text.
Print any given term to the given buffer.
- Parameters:
buf – the buffer where the term will be printed.
size – the buffer size.
t – the term that will be printed.
global – the
- Returns:
the number of printed characters.
int term_funprint(PrinterFun *fun, term t, const GlobalContext *global)
Prints a term using given printer fun.
Print any given term using a printer fun
- Parameters:
pf – function that will handle printing.
t – the term that will be printed.
global – the
- Returns:
the number of printed characters.
TermCompareResult term_compare(term t, term other, TermCompareOpts opts, GlobalContext *global)
Compares two terms.
Tells if first term is >, < or == to the second term.
- Parameters:
t – the first term.
other – the second term.
opts – a value of 1 will compare exact equality, 0 for less strict equality.
global – the global context.
- Returns:
any of TermEquals, TermLessThan, TermGreaterThan or TermCompareMemoryAllocFail error.
term term_alloc_refc_binary(size_t size, bool is_const, Heap *heap, GlobalContext *glb)
Create a reference-counted binary on the heap.
This function will create a reference-counted binary on the heap. If the data supplied is “const” (e.g., read from a literal in a BEAM file), then the returned term will point directly to the supplied data, and will not technically be reference-counted. Otherwise, a block of memory will be allocated to contain a copy of the data, in addition to a reference counter, so that the block can be free’d when no other terms reference the created object. (The reference count will be initialized to 1). If the data is non-NULL, it will be copied into the newly allocated block of memory.
- Parameters:
size – the size (in bytes) of the data to allocate
is_const – designates whether the data pointed to is “const”, such as a term literal
heap – the heap to allocate the binary in
glb – the global context as refc binaries are global
- Returns:
a term (reference) pointing to the newly allocated binary in the process heap.
term term_alloc_sub_binary(term binary_or_state, size_t offset, size_t len, Heap *heap)
Create a sub-binary.
This function will create a sub-binary on the heap, using the supplied binary, offset into the binary, and length of the sub-binary. This function assumes the length of the referenced binary is greater or equal to offset + len.
- Parameters:
binary – the referenced binary
offset – the offset into the referenced binary to start the sub-binary
len – the length (in bytes) of the sub-binary
heap – the heap to allocate the binary in
- Returns:
a term (reference) pointing to the newly allocated sub-binary in the process heap.
term term_get_map_assoc(term map, term key, GlobalContext *glb)
struct FprintfFun
Collaboration diagram for FprintfFun:
struct SnprintfFun
Collaboration diagram for SnprintfFun: