Module erlang
An implementation of the Erlang/OTP erlang module, for functions that are not already defined as NIFs.
Data Types
atom_encoding() = latin1 | utf8 | unicode
demonitor_option() = flush | {flush, boolean()} | info | {info, boolean()}
float_format_option() = {decimals, Decimals::0..57} | {scientific, Decimals::0..57} | compact
heap_growth_strategy() = bounded_free | minimum | fibonacci
mem_type() = binary
spawn_option() = {min_heap_size, pos_integer()} | {max_heap_size, pos_integer()} | {atomvm_heap_growth, heap_growth_strategy()} | link | monitor
time_unit() = second | millisecond | microsecond
timestamp() = {MegaSecs::non_neg_integer(), Secs::non_neg_integer(), MicroSecs::non_neg_integer}
Function Index
apply/2 | Returns the result of applying Function to Args. |
apply/3 | Returns the result of applying Function in Module to Args. |
atom_to_binary/1 | Convert an atom to a binary, defaults to utf8. |
atom_to_binary/2 | Convert an atom to a binary. |
atom_to_list/1 | Convert an atom to a string. |
binary_to_atom/1 | Convert a binary to atom, defaults to utf8. |
binary_to_atom/2 | Convert a binary to atom. |
binary_to_integer/1 | Parse the text in a given binary as an integer. |
binary_to_integer/2 | Parse the text in a given binary as an integer. |
binary_to_list/1 | Convert a binary to a list of bytes. |
binary_to_term/1 | Decode a term that was previously encodes with term_to_binary/1
This function should be mostly compatible with its Erlang/OTP counterpart. |
demonitor/1 | Remove a monitor. |
demonitor/2 | Remove a monitor, with options. |
display/1 | Print a term to stdout. |
erase/1 | Erase a key from the process dictionary. |
exit/1 | Raises an exception of class exit with reason Reason . |
exit/2 | Send an exit signal to target process. |
float_to_binary/1 | Convert a float to a binary. |
float_to_binary/2 | Convert a float to a binary. |
float_to_list/1 | Convert a float to a string. |
float_to_list/2 | Convert a float to a string. |
fun_to_list/1 | Create a string representing a function. |
function_exported/3 | Determine if a function is exported. |
garbage_collect/0 | Run a garbage collect in current process. |
garbage_collect/1 | Run a garbage collect in a given process. |
get/1 | Return a value associated with a given key in the process dictionary. |
get_module_info/1 | Get info for a given module. |
get_module_info/2 | Get specific info for a given module. |
group_leader/0 | Return the pid of the group leader of caller. |
group_leader/2 | Set the group leader for a given process. |
integer_to_binary/1 | Convert an integer to a binary. |
integer_to_binary/2 | Convert an integer to a binary. |
integer_to_list/1 | Convert an integer to a string. |
integer_to_list/2 | Convert an integer to a string. |
iolist_to_binary/1 | Convert an IO list to binary. |
is_map/1 | Return true if Map is a map; false , otherwise. |
is_map_key/2 | Return true if Key is associated with a value in Map ; false , otherwise. |
is_process_alive/1 | Determine if a process is alive. |
link/1 | Link current process with a given process. |
list_to_atom/1 | Convert a string into an atom. |
list_to_binary/1 | Convert a list into a binary. |
list_to_existing_atom/1 | Convert a string into an atom. |
list_to_integer/1 | Convert a string (list of characters) to integer. |
list_to_integer/2 | Convert a string (list of characters) to integer in specified base. |
list_to_tuple/1 | Convert a list to a tuple with the same size. |
localtime/0 | Return the current time and day for system local timezone. |
make_ref/0 | Create a new reference. |
map_get/2 | Get the value in Map associated with Key , if it exists. |
map_size/1 | Returns the size of (i.e., the number of entries in) the map. |
max/2 | Return the maximum value of two terms. |
md5/1 | Computes the MD5 hash of an input binary, as defined by |
memory/1 | Return the amount of memory (in bytes) used of the specified type. |
min/2 | Return the minimum value of two terms. |
monitor/2 | Create a monitor on a process or on a port. |
monotonic_time/1 | Return the monotonic time in the specified units. |
open_port/2 | Open a port. |
pid_to_list/1 | Create a string representing a pid. |
process_flag/2 | Set a flag for the current process. |
process_info/2 | Return process information. |
processes/0 | Return a list of all current processes. |
put/2 | Store a value with a given key in the process dictionary. |
ref_to_list/1 | Create a string representing a reference. |
register/2 | Register a name for a given process. |
send/2 | Send a message to a given process. |
send_after/3 | Send Msg to Dest after Time ms. |
spawn/1 | Create a new process. |
spawn/3 | Create a new process by calling exported Function from Module with Args. |
spawn_link/1 | Create a new process and link it. |
spawn_link/3 | Create a new process by calling exported Function from Module with Args and link it. |
spawn_opt/2 | Create a new process. |
spawn_opt/4 | Create a new process by calling exported Function from Module with Args. |
start_timer/3 | Start a timer, and send {timeout, TimerRef, Msg} to Dest after Time ms, where TimerRef is the reference returned from this function. |
system_flag/2 | Update system flags. |
system_info/1 | Return system information. |
system_time/1 | Get the current system time in provided unit. |
term_to_binary/1 | Encode a term to a binary that can later be decoded with binary_to_term/1 . |
timestamp/0 | Return the timestamp in {MegaSec, Sec, MicroSec} format. |
universaltime/0 | Return the current time and day for UTC. |
unlink/1 | Unlink current process from a given process. |
unregister/1 | Lookup a process by name. |
whereis/1 | Lookup a process by name. |
Function Details
apply(Function::function(), Args::[term()]) -> term()
: Function to callArgs
: Parameters to pass to function (max 6)
returns: Returns the result of Function(Args).
Returns the result of applying Function to Args. The arity of the function is the length of Args. Example:
> apply(fun(R) -> lists:reverse(R) end, [[a, b, c]]).
> apply(fun erlang:atom_to_list/1, ['AtomVM']).
If the number of arguments are known at compile time, the call is better written as Function(Arg1, Arg2, …, ArgN).
apply(Module::module(), Function::function(), Args::[term()]) -> term()
: Name of moduleFunction
: Exported function nameArgs
: Parameters to pass to function (max 6)
returns: Returns the result of Module:Function(Args).
Returns the result of applying Function in Module to Args. The applied function must be exported from Module. The arity of the function is the length of Args. Example:
> apply(lists, reverse, [[a, b, c]]).
> apply(erlang, atom_to_list, ['AtomVM']).
If the number of arguments are known at compile time, the call is better written as Module:Function(Arg1, Arg2, …, ArgN).
atom_to_binary(Atom::atom()) -> binary()
: Atom to convert
returns: a binary with the atom’s name
Convert an atom to a binary, defaults to utf8. Only latin1 encoding is supported.
atom_to_binary(Atom::atom(), Encoding::atom_encoding()) -> binary()
: Atom to convertEncoding
: Encoding for conversion (any of latin1, utf8 or unicode)
returns: a binary with the atom’s name
Convert an atom to a binary. Only latin1 encoding is supported.
atom_to_list(Atom::atom()) -> string()
: Atom to convert
returns: a string with the atom’s name
Convert an atom to a string.
binary_to_atom(Binary::binary()) -> atom()
: Binary to convert to atom
returns: an atom from passed binary
Convert a binary to atom, defaults to utf8.
binary_to_atom(Binary::binary(), Encoding::atom_encoding()) -> atom()
: Binary to convert to atomEncoding
: encoding for conversion (any of latin1, utf8 or unicode)
returns: an atom from passed binary
Convert a binary to atom.
binary_to_integer(Binary::binary()) -> integer()
: Binary to parse for integer
returns: the integer represented by the binary
Parse the text in a given binary as an integer.
binary_to_integer(Binary::binary(), Base::2..36) -> integer()
: Binary to parse for integer
returns: the integer represented by the binary
Parse the text in a given binary as an integer.
binary_to_list(Binary::binary()) -> [byte()]
: Binary to convert to list
returns: a list of bytes from the binary
Convert a binary to a list of bytes.
binary_to_term(Binary::binary()) -> any()
: binary to decode
returns: A term decoded from passed binary
Decode a term that was previously encodes with term_to_binary/1
This function should be mostly compatible with its Erlang/OTP counterpart.
Unlike modern Erlang/OTP, resources are currently serialized as empty
binaries and cannot be unserialized.
demonitor(Monitor::reference()) -> true
: reference of monitor to remove
returns: true
Remove a monitor
demonitor(Monitor::reference(), Options::[demonitor_option()]) -> boolean()
: reference of monitor to removeOptions
: options list
returns: true
Remove a monitor, with options.
If flush
, monitor messages are flushed and guaranteed to not be received.
If info
, return true
if monitor was removed, false
if it was not found.
If both options are provivded, return false
if flush was needed.
display(Term::any()) -> true
: term to print
returns: true
Print a term to stdout.
erase(Key::any()) -> any()
: key to erase from the process dictionary
returns: the previous value associated with this key or undefined
Erase a key from the process dictionary.
exit(Reason::any()) -> no_return()
: reason for exit
Raises an exception of class exit
with reason Reason
The exception can be caught. If it is not, the process exits.
If the exception is not caught the signal is sent to linked processes.
In this case, if Reason
is kill
, it is not transformed into killed
linked processes can trap it (unlike exit/2
exit(Process::pid(), Reason::any()) -> true
: target processReason
: reason for exit
returns: true
Send an exit signal to target process.
The consequences of the exit signal depends on Reason
, on whether
is self() or another process and whether target process is
trapping exit.
If Reason
is not kill
nor normal
If target process is not trapping exits, it exits with
If traget process is trapping exits, it receives a message
{'EXIT', From, Reason}
is the caller ofexit/2
If Reason
is kill
, the target process exits with Reason
changed to
If Reason
is normal
and Process
is not self()
If target process is not trapping exits, nothing happens.
If traget process is trapping exits, it receives a message
{'EXIT', From, normal}
is the caller ofexit/2
If Reason
is normal
and Process
is self()
If target process is not trapping exits, it exits with
.If traget process is trapping exits, it receives a message
{'EXIT', From, normal}
is the caller ofexit/2
float_to_binary(Float::float()) -> binary()
: Float to convert
returns: a binary with a text representation of the float
Convert a float to a binary.
float_to_binary(Float::float(), Options::[float_format_option()]) -> binary()
: Float to convertOptions
: Options for conversion
returns: a binary with a text representation of the float
Convert a float to a binary.
float_to_list(Float::float()) -> string()
: Float to convert
returns: a string with a text representation of the float
Convert a float to a string.
float_to_list(Float::float(), Options::[float_format_option()]) -> string()
: Float to convertOptions
: Options for conversion
returns: a string with a text representation of the float
Convert a float to a string.
fun_to_list(Fun::function()) -> string()
: function to convert to a string
returns: a string representation of the function
Create a string representing a function.
function_exported(Module::module(), Function::atom(), Arity::arity()) -> boolean()
: module to testFunction
: function to testArity
: arity to test
returns: true
if Module exports a Function with this Arity
Determine if a function is exported
garbage_collect() -> true
returns: true
Run a garbage collect in current process
garbage_collect(Pid::pid()) -> boolean()
: pid of the process to garbage collect
returns: true
or false
if the process no longer exists
Run a garbage collect in a given process. The function returns before the garbage collect actually happens.
get(Key::any()) -> any()
: key in the process dictionary
returns: value associated with this key or undefined
Return a value associated with a given key in the process dictionary
get_module_info(Module::atom()) -> [{atom(), any()}]
: module to get info for
returns: A list of module info tuples
Get info for a given module.
This function is not meant to be called directly but through
exported function.
get_module_info(Module::atom(), InfoKey::atom()) -> any()
: module to get info forInfoKey
: info to get
returns: A term representing info for given module
Get specific info for a given module.
This function is not meant to be called directly but through
exported function.
Supported info keys are module
, exports
, compile
and attributes
group_leader() -> pid()
returns: Pid of group leader or self() if no group leader is set.
Return the pid of the group leader of caller.
group_leader(Leader::pid(), Pid::pid()) -> true
: pid of process to set as leaderPid
: pid of process to set a Leader
returns: true
Set the group leader for a given process.
integer_to_binary(Integer::integer()) -> binary()
: integer to convert to a binary
returns: a binary with a text representation of the integer
Convert an integer to a binary.
integer_to_binary(Integer::integer(), Base::2..36) -> binary()
: integer to convert to a binaryBase
: base for representation
returns: a binary with a text representation of the integer
Convert an integer to a binary.
integer_to_list(Integer::integer()) -> string()
: integer to convert to a string
returns: a string representation of the integer
Convert an integer to a string.
integer_to_list(Integer::integer(), Base::2..36) -> string()
: integer to convert to a stringBase
: base for representation
returns: a string representation of the integer
Convert an integer to a string.
iolist_to_binary(IOList::iolist()) -> binary()
: IO list to convert to binary
returns: a binary with the bytes of the IO list
Convert an IO list to binary.
is_map(Map::map()) -> boolean()
: the map to test
returns: true
if Map
is a map; false
, otherwise.
Return true
if Map
is a map; false
, otherwise.
This function may be used in a guard expression.
is_map_key(Key::term(), Map::map()) -> boolean()
: the keyMap
: the map
returns: true
if Key
is associated with a value in Map
; false
, otherwise.
Return true
if Key
is associated with a value in Map
; false
, otherwise.
This function raises a {badmap, Map}
error if Map
is not a map.
This function may be used in a guard expression.
is_process_alive(Pid::pid()) -> boolean()
: pid of the process to test
returns: true
if the process is alive, false
Determine if a process is alive
link(Pid::pid()) -> true
: process to link to
returns: true
Link current process with a given process.
list_to_atom(String::string()) -> atom()
: string to convert to an atom
returns: an atom from the string
Convert a string into an atom. Unlike Erlang/OTP 20+, atoms are limited to ISO-8859-1 characters. The VM currently aborts if passed unicode characters. Atoms are also limited to 255 characters. Errors with system_limit_atom if the passed string is longer.
See also: list_to_existing_atom/1.
list_to_binary(IOList::iolist()) -> binary()
: iolist to convert to binary
returns: a binary composed of bytes and binaries from the list
Convert a list into a binary.
Errors with badarg
if the list is not an iolist.
list_to_existing_atom(String::string()) -> atom()
: string to convert to an atom
returns: an atom from the string
Convert a string into an atom. This function will error with badarg if the atom does not exist
See also: list_to_atom/1.
list_to_integer(String::string()) -> integer()
: string to convert to integer
returns: an integer value from its string representation
Convert a string (list of characters) to integer.
Errors with badarg
if the string is not a representation of an integer.
list_to_integer(String::string(), Base::2..36) -> integer()
: string to convert to integerBase
: string to convert to integer
returns: an integer value from its string representation
Convert a string (list of characters) to integer in specified base.
Errors with badarg
if the string is not a representation of an integer or
the base is out of bounds.
list_to_tuple(List::[any()]) -> tuple()
: list to convert to tuple
returns: a tuple with elements of the list
Convert a list to a tuple with the same size.
localtime() -> calendar:datetime()
returns: A tuple representing the current local time.
Return the current time and day for system local timezone.
See also: universaltime/0.
make_ref() -> reference()
returns: a new reference
Create a new reference
map_get(Key::term(), Map::map()) -> Value::term()
: the key to getMap
: the map from which to get the value
returns: the value in Map
associated with Key
, if it exists.
Get the value in Map
associated with Key
, if it exists.
This function raises a {badkey, Key}
error if ‘Key’ does not occur in
or a {badmap, Map}
if Map
is not a map.
This function may be used in a guard expression.
map_size(Map::map()) -> non_neg_integer()
: the map
returns: the size of the map
Returns the size of (i.e., the number of entries in) the map
This function raises a {badmap, Map}
error if Map
is not a map.
This function may be used in a guard expression.
max(A::any(), B::any()) -> any()
: any termB
: any term
returns: A
if A > B
; B
, otherwise.
Return the maximum value of two terms
Terms are compared using >
and follow the ordering principles defined in
md5(Data::binary()) -> binary()
: data to compute hash of, as a binary.
returns: the md5 hash of the input Data, as a 16-byte binary.
Computes the MD5 hash of an input binary, as defined by
memory(Type::mem_type()) -> non_neg_integer()
: the type of memory to request
returns: the amount of memory (in bytes) used of the specified type
Return the amount of memory (in bytes) used of the specified type
min(A::any(), B::any()) -> any()
: any termB
: any term
returns: A
if A < B
; B
, otherwise.
Return the minimum value of two terms
Terms are compared using <
and follow the ordering principles defined in
monitor(Type::process | port, Pid::pid()) -> reference()
: type of monitor to createPid
: pid of the object to monitor
returns: a monitor reference
Create a monitor on a process or on a port. When the process or the port terminates, the following message is sent to the caller of this function:
{'DOWN', MonitorRef, Type, Pid, Reason}
Unlike Erlang/OTP, monitors are only supported for processes and ports.
monotonic_time(Unit::time_unit()) -> integer()
: time unit
returns: monotonic time in the specified units
Return the monotonic time in the specified units.
Monotonic time varies from system to system, and should not be used to determine, for example the wall clock time.
Instead, monotonic time should be used to compute time differences, where the function is guaranteed to return a (not necessarily strictly) monotonically increasing value.
For example, on ESP32 system, monotonic time is reported as the difference from the current time and the time the ESP32 device was started, whereas on UNIX systems the value may vary among UNIX systems (e.g., Linux, macOS, FreeBSD).
open_port(PortName::{spawn, iodata()}, Options::[any()] | map()) -> pid()
: Tuple {spawn, Name} identifying the portOptions
: Options, meaningful for the port
returns: A pid identifying the open port
Open a port. Unlike Erlang/OTP, ports are identified by pids.
pid_to_list(Pid::pid()) -> string()
: pid to convert to a string
returns: a string representation of the pid
Create a string representing a pid.
process_flag(Flag::trap_exit, Value::boolean()) -> pid()
: flag to changeValue
: new value of the flag
returns: Previous value of the flag
Set a flag for the current process.
When trap_exit
is true, exit signals are converted to messages
{'EXIT', From, Reason}
and the process does not exit if Reason
is not normal
process_info(Pid::pid(), Key::heap_size) -> {heap_size, non_neg_integer()}
: the process pid.Key
: key used to find process information.
process_info(Pid::pid(), Key::total_heap_size) -> {total_heap_size, non_neg_integer()}
: the process pid.Key
: key used to find process information.
process_info(Pid::pid(), Key::stack_size) -> {stack_size, non_neg_integer()}
: the process pid.Key
: key used to find process information.
process_info(Pid::pid(), Key::message_queue_len) -> {message_queue_len, non_neg_integer()}
: the process pid.Key
: key used to find process information.
process_info(Pid::pid(), Key::memory) -> {memory, non_neg_integer()}
: the process pid.Key
: key used to find process information.
process_info(Pid::pid(), Key::links) -> {links, [pid()]}
: the process pid.Key
: key used to find process information.
returns: process information for the specified pid defined by the specified key.
Return process information.
This function returns information about the specified process. The type of information returned is dependent on the specified key.
The following keys are supported:
heap_size the number of words used in the heap (integer), including the stack but excluding fragments
total_heap_size the number of words used in the heap (integer) including fragments
stack_size the number of words used in the stack (integer)
message_queue_len the number of messages enqueued for the process (integer)
memory the estimated total number of bytes in use by the process (integer)
links the list of linked processes
Specifying an unsupported term or atom raises a bad_arg error.
processes() -> [pid()]
returns: A list of pids of all processes
Return a list of all current processes. Compared to Erlang/OTP, this function also returns native processes (ports).
put(Key::any(), Value::any()) -> any()
: key to add to the process dictionaryValue
: value to store in the process dictionary
returns: the previous value associated with this key or undefined
Store a value with a given key in the process dictionary.
ref_to_list(Ref::reference()) -> string()
: reference to convert to a string
returns: a string representation of the reference
Create a string representing a reference.
register(Name::atom(), Pid::pid()) -> true
: name of the process to registerPid
: pid of the process to register
returns: true
Register a name for a given process.
Processes can be registered with several names.
Unlike Erlang/OTP, ports are not distinguished from processes.
Errors with badarg
if the name is already registered.
send(Pid::pid(), Message) -> Message
: process to send the message toMessage
: message to send
returns: the sent message
Send a message to a given process
send_after(Time::non_neg_integer(), Dest::pid() | atom(), Msg::term()) -> reference()
: time in milliseconds after which to send the message.Dest
: Pid or server name to which to send the message.Msg
: Message to send to Dest after Time ms.
returns: a reference that can be used to cancel the timer, if desired.
Send Msg to Dest after Time ms.
spawn(Function::function()) -> pid()
: function to create a process from
returns: pid of the new process
Create a new process
spawn(Module::module(), Function::atom(), Args::[any()]) -> pid()
: module of the function to create a process fromFunction
: name of the function to create a process fromArgs
: arguments to pass to the function to create a process from
returns: pid of the new process
Create a new process by calling exported Function from Module with Args.
spawn_link(Function::function()) -> pid()
: function to create a process from
returns: pid of the new process
Create a new process and link it.
spawn_link(Module::module(), Function::atom(), Args::[any()]) -> pid()
: module of the function to create a process fromFunction
: name of the function to create a process fromArgs
: arguments to pass to the function to create a process from
returns: pid of the new process
Create a new process by calling exported Function from Module with Args and link it.
spawn_opt(Function::function(), Options::[spawn_option()]) -> pid() | {pid(), reference()}
: function to create a process fromOptions
: additional options.
returns: pid of the new process
Create a new process.
spawn_opt(Module::module(), Function::atom(), Args::[any()], Options::[spawn_option()]) -> pid() | {pid(), reference()}
: module of the function to create a process fromFunction
: name of the function to create a process fromArgs
: arguments to pass to the function to create a process fromOptions
: additional options.
returns: pid of the new process
Create a new process by calling exported Function from Module with Args.
start_timer(Time::non_neg_integer(), Dest::pid() | atom(), Msg::term()) -> reference()
: time in milliseconds after which to send the timeout message.Dest
: Pid or server name to which to send the timeout message.Msg
: Message to send to Dest after Time ms.
returns: a reference that can be used to cancel the timer, if desired.
Start a timer, and send {timeout, TimerRef, Msg} to Dest after Time ms, where TimerRef is the reference returned from this function.
system_flag(Key::atom(), Value::term()) -> term()
: key used to change system flag.Value
: value to change
returns: previous value of the flag.
Update system flags.
This function allows to modify system flags at runtime.
The following key is supported on SMP builds:
schedulers_online the number of schedulers online
Specifying an unsupported atom key will result in a bad_arg error. Specifying a term that is not an atom will result in a bad_arg error.
system_info(Key::atom()) -> term()
: key used to find system information.
returns: system information defined by the specified key.
Return system information.
This function returns information about the system on which AtomVM is running. The type of information returned is dependent on the specified key.
The following keys are supported on all platforms:
process_count the number of processes running in the node (integer)
port_count the number of ports running in the node (integer)
atom_count the number of atoms currently allocated (integer)
system_architecture the processor and OS architecture (binary)
version the version of the AtomVM executable image (binary)
wordsize the number of bytes in a machine word on the current platform (integer)
schedulers the number of schedulers, equal to the number of online processors (integer)
schedulers_online the current number of schedulers (integer)
The following keys are supported on the ESP32 platform:
esp32_free_heap_size the number of (noncontiguous) free bytes in the ESP32 heap (integer)
esp32_largest_free_block the number of the largest contiguous free bytes in the ESP32 heap (integer)
esp32_minimum_free_size the smallest number of free bytes in the ESP32 heap since boot (integer)
esp32_chip_info Details about the model and capabilities of the ESP32 device (map)
Additional keys may be supported on some platforms that are not documented here.
Specifying an unsupported atom key will results in returning the atom ‘undefined’.
Specifying a term that is not an atom will result in a bad_arg error.
system_time(Unit::time_unit()) -> non_neg_integer()
: Unit to return system time in
returns: An integer representing system time
Get the current system time in provided unit.
term_to_binary(Term::any()) -> binary()
: term to encode
returns: A binary encoding passed term.
Encode a term to a binary that can later be decoded with binary_to_term/1
This function should be mostly compatible with its Erlang/OTP counterpart.
Unlike modern Erlang/OTP, resources are currently serialized as empty
timestamp() -> erlang:timestamp()
returns: A tuple representing the current timestamp.
Return the timestamp in {MegaSec, Sec, MicroSec}
This the old format returned by erlang:now/0
. Please note that the latter
which is deprecated in Erlang/OTP is not implemented by AtomVM.
See also: monotonic_time/1, system_time/1.
universaltime() -> calendar:datetime()
returns: A tuple representing the current universal time.
Return the current time and day for UTC.
See also: localtime/0.
unlink(Pid::pid()) -> true
: process to unlink from
returns: true
Unlink current process from a given process.
unregister(Name::atom()) -> true
: name to unregister
returns: true
Lookup a process by name.
Unlike Erlang/OTP, ports are not distinguished from processes.
Errors with badarg
if the name is not registered.
whereis(Name::atom()) -> pid() | undefined
: name of the process to locate
returns: undefined
or the pid of the registered process
Lookup a process by name.