Module sets

Data Types


abstract datatype: set(Element)


set() = set(term())

Function Index

add_element/2 Return Set1 with Element inserted in it.
del_element/2 Return Set1 but with Element removed.
filter/2 Filter Set with Fun.
filtermap/2 Filters and maps elements in Set1 with function Fun.
fold/3 Fold function Fun over all elements in Set and return Accumulator.
from_list/1 Builds a set from the elements in List.
from_list/2 Builds a set from the elements in List using the specified version.
intersection/1 Return the intersection of the list of sets.
intersection/2 Return the intersection of Set1 and Set2.
is_disjoint/2 Check whether Set1 and Set2 are disjoint.
is_element/2 Return true if Element is an element of Set, else false.
is_empty/1 Returns true if Set is an empty set, otherwise false.
is_equal/2 Returns true if Set1 and Set2 are equal, that is when every element of one set is also a member of the respective other set, otherwise false.
is_set/1 Returns true if Set appears to be a set of elements, otherwise false.
is_subset/2 Return 'true' when every element of Set1 is also a member of Set2, else 'false'.
map/2 Map Set with Fun.
new/0 Returns a new empty set using the v2 format (a map).
new/1 Returns a new empty set (only v2 format is supported).
size/1 Returns the number of elements in Set.
subtract/2 Return all and only the elements of Set1 which are not also in Set2.
to_list/1 Returns the elements of Set as a list.
union/1 Return the union of the list of sets.
union/2 Return the union of Set1 and Set2.

Function Details


add_element(Element, Set1) -> Set2
  • Set1 = set(Element)
  • Set2 = set(Element)

Element: the element to add
Set1: the set to add the element to

returns: Returns a new set formed from Set1 with Element inserted.

Return Set1 with Element inserted in it.


del_element(Element, Set1) -> Set2
  • Set1 = set(Element)
  • Set2 = set(Element)

Element: the element to remove
Set1: the set to remove the element from

returns: Returns Set1, but with Element removed.

Return Set1 but with Element removed.


filter(Pred, Set1) -> Set2
  • Pred = fun((Element) -> boolean())
  • Set1 = set(Element)
  • Set2 = set(Element)

Pred: the boolean function to filter elements with
Set1: the set to filter

returns: Returns a set containing elements of Set1 that satisfy the boolean function Fun. The evaluation order is undefined.

Filter Set with Fun.


filtermap(Fun, Set1) -> Set2
  • Fun = fun((Element1) -> boolean() | {true, Element2})
  • Set1 = set(Element1)
  • Set2 = set(Element1 | Element2)

Fun: the filter and map fun
Set1: the set to filter and map over

returns: Returns a set containing elements of Set1 that are filtered and mapped using Fun.

Filters and maps elements in Set1 with function Fun.


fold(Function, Acc0, Set) -> Acc1
  • Function = fun((Element, AccIn) -> AccOut)
  • Set = set(Element)
  • Acc0 = Acc
  • Acc1 = Acc
  • AccIn = Acc
  • AccOut = Acc

Set: the set to fold over

returns: Returns the final value of the accumulator after folding the function over every element in the set.

Fold function Fun over all elements in Set and return Accumulator.


from_list(List) -> Set
  • List = [Element]
  • Set = set(Element)

List: the list of items that is used for building the set

returns: Returns a set of the elements in List.

Builds a set from the elements in List.


from_list(List, Version::[{version, 2}]) -> Set
  • List = [Element]
  • Set = set(Element)

List: the list to be converted to a set
Version: only version 2 is supported

returns: Returns a set of the elements in List at the given version.

Builds a set from the elements in List using the specified version. Only v2 format is supported.


intersection(SetList) -> Set
  • SetList = [set(Element), ...]
  • Set = set(Element)

SetList: the non-empty list of sets

returns: Returns the intersection of the non-empty list of sets.

Return the intersection of the list of sets.


intersection(Set1, Set2) -> Set3
  • Set1 = set(Element)
  • Set2 = set(Element)
  • Set3 = set(Element)

Set1: the first set
Set2: the second set

returns: Returns the intersection of Set1 and Set2.

Return the intersection of Set1 and Set2.


is_disjoint(Set1, Set2) -> boolean()
  • Set1 = set(Element)
  • Set2 = set(Element)

Set1: the first set
Set2: the second set

returns: Returns true if Set1 and Set2 are disjoint (have no elements in common), otherwise false.

Check whether Set1 and Set2 are disjoint.


is_element(Element, Set) -> boolean()
  • Set = set(Element)

Element: the element to check
Set: the set to check against

returns: Returns true if Element is an element of Set, otherwise false.

Return true if Element is an element of Set, else false.


is_empty(Set) -> boolean()

Set: the set to be checked for emptiness

returns: Returns true if Set is an empty set, otherwise false.

Returns true if Set is an empty set, otherwise false.


is_equal(Set1, Set2) -> boolean()

Set1: first set to be checked for equality
Set2: second set to be checked for equality

returns: Return true if Set1 and Set2 contain the same elements, otherwise false.

Returns true if Set1 and Set2 are equal, that is when every element of one set is also a member of the respective other set, otherwise false.


is_set(Set) -> boolean()
  • Set = term()

Set: the term that will be checked

returns: Return true if Set is a set of elements, else false.

Returns true if Set appears to be a set of elements, otherwise false.

Note that the test is shallow and will return true for any term that coincides with the possible representations of a set.


is_subset(Set1, Set2) -> boolean()
  • Set1 = set(Element)
  • Set2 = set(Element)

Set1: the first set
Set2: the second set

returns: Returns true when every element of Set1 is also a member of Set2, otherwise false.

Return ‘true’ when every element of Set1 is also a member of Set2, else ‘false’.


map(Fun, Set1) -> Set2
  • Fun = fun((Element1) -> Element2)
  • Set1 = set(Element1)
  • Set2 = set(Element2)

Fun: the mapping function
Set1: the set to map over

returns: Returns a set containing elements of Set1 that are mapped using Fun.

Map Set with Fun.


new() -> set(none())

returns: Returns a new empty set.

Returns a new empty set using the v2 format (a map).


new(Version::[{version, 2}]) -> set(none())

Version: must be {version, 2}

returns: Returns a new empty set.

Returns a new empty set (only v2 format is supported).


size(Set) -> non_neg_integer()

Set: the set for which size will be returned

returns: Return the number of elements in Set.

Returns the number of elements in Set.


subtract(Set1, Set2) -> Set3
  • Set1 = set(Element)
  • Set2 = set(Element)
  • Set3 = set(Element)

Set1: the first set
Set2: the second set

returns: Returns only the elements of Set1 that are not also elements of Set2.

Return all and only the elements of Set1 which are not also in Set2.


to_list(Set) -> List
  • Set = set(Element)
  • List = [Element]

Set: the set to be converted to a list

returns: Return the elements in Set as a list.

Returns the elements of Set as a list. The order of the returned elements is undefined.


union(SetList) -> Set
  • SetList = [set(Element)]
  • Set = set(Element)

SetList: the list of sets

returns: Returns the merged (union) set of the list of sets.

Return the union of the list of sets.


union(Set1, Set2) -> Set3
  • Set1 = set(Element)
  • Set2 = set(Element)
  • Set3 = set(Element)

Set1: the first set
Set2: the second set

returns: Returns the merged (union) set of Set1 and Set2.

Return the union of Set1 and Set2.